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Series Inline 71 Detroit Diesel Engines

VALVE TRAIN - groups: 1.8060 - 1.8080

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Part No. Description Group Ref#2IL3IL4IL6IL Price QOH
Details View Images 5148472 Rocker Arm, 71/92 L.H. 4V 1.806007346$85.69100+
Details View Images 23517217 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Large) (1.8100) 1.806002111$59.83100+
Details View Images 8924354 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Small) (1.8100) 1.806003111$24.92100+
Details View Images 5150312 Cleavis, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (1.8130) 1.806004111$25.5022
Details View Images 5123700 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (1.8140) 1.806005111$4.01100+
Details 5150314 Pin, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (Push Rod End) (1.8150) 1.806006111$2.06100+
Details View Images 5148475 Arm Assy., Exhaust Valve Rocker (Right) 1.806007346$97.12100+
Details View Images 23517217 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Large) (1.8100) 1.806002111$59.83100+
Details View Images 8924354 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Small) (1.8120) 1.806003111$24.92100+
Details View Images 5150312 Cleavis, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (1.8130) 1.806004111$25.5022
Details View Images 5123700 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (1.8140) 1.806005111$4.01100+
Details 5150314 Pin, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (Push Rod End) (1.8150) 1.806006111$2.06100+
Details View Images 5150304 Arm Assy., Exhaust Valve Rocker (Left) (2 Valve) 1.8060072346$78.88100+
Details View Images 23517217 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Large) (1.8100) 1.8060021111$59.83100+
Details View Images 8924354 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Small) (1.8120) 1.8060031111$24.92100+
Details View Images 5150312 Cleavis, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (1.8130) 1.8060041111$25.5022
Details View Images 5123700 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (1.8140) 1.8060051111$4.01100+
Details 5150314 Pin, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (Push Rod End) (1.8150) 1.8060061111$2.06100+
Details View Images 5150305 Arm Assy., Exhaust Valve Rocker (Right) (2 Valve) 1.8060072346$78.88100+
Details View Images 23517217 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Large) (1.8100) 1.8060021111$59.83100+
Details View Images 8924354 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (Small) (1.8120) 1.8060031111$24.92100+
Details View Images 5150312 Cleavis, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (1.8130) 1.8060041111$25.5022
Details View Images 5123700 Bushing, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (1.8140) 1.8060051111$4.01100+
Details 5150314 Pin, Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (Push Rod End) (1.8150) 1.8060061111$2.06100+
Details View Images 8923554 Arm Assy., (Unbushed Cleavis), Injector Rocker
(Identification-Orange Ink)
Details 8924355 Bushing, Injector Rocker Arm (Large) (1.8110) 1.8080091$2.57100+
Details View Images 5150312 Cleavis, Injector & Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (1.8130) 1.8080041$25.5022
Details View Images 5123700 Bushing, Injector & Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (1.8140) 1.8080051$4.01100+
Details 5150314 Pin, Injector & Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis
(Push Rod End) (1.8150)
Details 8923543 Arm Assy., (Unbushed Cleavis), Injector Rocker
(Identification-Blue Paint)
Superceded... Click 'Details' for replacement.
Details 8924355 Bushing, Injector Rocker Arm (Large) (1.8110) 1.8080091111$2.57100+
Details View Images 8924354 Bushing, Injector Rocker Arm (Small) (1.8120) 1.8080031111$24.92100+
Details View Images 5150312 Cleavis, Injector & Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (1.8130) 1.8080041111$25.5022
Details View Images 5123700 Bushing, Injector & Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis (1.8140) 1.8080051111$4.01100+
Details 5150314 Pin, Injector & Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm Cleavis
(Push Rod End) (1.8150)

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